Ge, J., Honhon, D., Fransoo, J. C., & Zhao, L. (2020). Manufacturer Competition in the Nanostore Retail Channel. European Journal of Operational Research, in press. |
Bouchery, Y., Woxenius, J., & Fransoo, J. C. (2020). Identifying the market areas of port-centric logistics and hinterland intermodal transportation. European Journal of Operational Research, in press. |
Wibowo, B. S., & Fransoo, J. C. (2020). Joint-Optimization of a Truck Appointment System to Alleviate Queuing Problems in Chemical Plants. International Journal of Production Research, in press. |
Bouchery, Y., Slikker, M., & Fransoo, J. C. (2019). Intermodal hinterland network design games. Transportation Science, in press. |
Ge, J., Honhon, D., Fransoo, J. C., & Zhao, L. (2020). Supplying to mom and pop: Traditional retail channel selection in megacities. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, in press. |
Ge, J., Honhon, D., Fransoo, J.C., & Zhao, L. (2019). Supplying to mom and pop: Traditional retail channel selection in megacities. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, in press. |
Larco-Martinelli, J. A., Fransoo, J.C., Gharehgozli, A., & Wiers, V. (2019). The scheduler’s balancing act of sensing and reacting: a behavioral perspective on scheduling. International Journal of Production Research, in press. |
Lu, Tao, Ying-Ju Chen, Fransoo, Jan C. and Lee, Chung-Yee (2019): Shipping to heterogeneous customers with competing carriers, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, in press. |
Ewbank, H., Vidal Vieira, J. G., Fransoo, J.C., & Ferreira, M. A. (2020). The impact of urban freight transport and mobility on transport externalities in the SPMR. Transportation Research Procedia, 46, 101-108. |
Fransoo, J. C., Zhao, L., & Larco Martinelli, J. A. (2019). Omnichannel and Traditional Retail: Platforms to Seamlessly Connect Retail, Service, and Delivery. In Operations in an Omnichannel World (pp. 341-353). Springer, Cham. |
Boulaksil, Y., Fransoo, J. C., Blanco, E. E., & Koubida, S. (2019). Understanding the fragmented demand for transportation–Small traditional retailers in emerging markets. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 130, 65-81. |
Legros, B., Bouchery, Y., & Fransoo, J.C. (2019). A Time‐Based Policy for Empty Container Management by Consignees. Production and Operations Management, 28(6), 1503-1527. |
Song, R., Zhao, L., Van Woensel, T., & Fransoo, J. C. (2019). Coordinated delivery in urban retail. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 126, 122-148. |
Chen, Q., Zhao, L., Fransoo, J. C., & Li, Z. (2019). Dual-mode inventory management under a chance credit constraint. OR Spectrum, 41(1), 147-178. |
Schaefer, T., Udenio, M., Quinn, S., & Fransoo, J. C. (2019). Water risk assessment in supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 636-648.. |
Snoeck, A., Udenio, M., & Fransoo, J. C. (2019). A stochastic program to evaluate disruption mitigation investments in the supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 274(2), 516-530 |
Udenio, Maximiliano, Kai Hoberg and Jan C. Fransoo (2018): Inventory Agility upon Demand Shocks: Empirical Evidence from the Financial Crisis, Journal of Operations Management 62: 16-43. |
Larco, J. A., Fransoo, J. C., & Wiers, V. C. S. (2018). Scheduling the scheduling task: a time-management perspective on scheduling. Cognition, Technology & Work, 20(1), 1-10. |
Yu, M., Lee, C.Y., and Fransoo, J.C. (2018). Detention Decisions for Empty Containers in the Hinterland Transportation System. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 110, 188-208 |
Jakšič, M., & Fransoo, J. C. (2018). Dual sourcing in the age of near-shoring: trading off stochastic capacity limitations and long lead times. European Journal of Operational Research 267(1), 150-161. |
Wan, M., Huang, Y., Zhao, L., Deng, T., & Fransoo, J. C. (2018). Demand estimation under multi-store multi-product substitution in high density traditional retail. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(1), 99-111. |
van Pelt, T. D., & Fransoo, J. C. (2018). A note on “Linear programming models for a stochastic dynamic capacitated lot sizing problem”. Computers & Operations Research, 89, 13-16. |
Leenders, B. P., Velázquez-Martínez, J. C., & Fransoo, J. C. (2017). Emissions allocation in transportation routes. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 57, 39-51. |
Udenio, M., Vatamidou, E., Fransoo, J. C., & Dellaert, N. (2017). Behavioral causes of the bullwhip effect: an analysis using linear control theory. IISE Transactions, 49(10), 980-1000. |
Lu, T., Fransoo, J. C., & Lee, C. Y. (2017). Carrier portfolio management for shipping seasonal products. Operations Research, 65(5), 1250-1266. |
Boulaksil, Y., J. C. Fransoo, and T. Tan. (2017). Capacity reservation and utilization for a manufacturer with uncertain capacity and demand. OR Spectrum 39 (3) : 689-709. |
Franceschetti, A., Honhon, D.B.L.P., Laporte, G., van Woensel, T. & Fransoo, Jan C. (2017). Strategic Fleet Management for City Logistics. Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological 95: 19-40. |
Kalyanarengan Ravi, N., van Sint Annaland, M., Fransoo, J.C., Grievink, J. & Zondervan, E. (2017). Development and implementation of supply chain optimization framework for CO2 capture and storage in the Netherlands. Computers and Chemical Engineering 102: 40-51. |
de Langen, P.W., Udenio, M., Fransoo, J.C. & Helminen, R. (2016). Port connectivity indices: An application to European RoRo shipping. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 1(6), |
Bouchery, Y., Ghaffari, A., Jemai, Z. & Fransoo, J.C. (2016). Sustainable transportation and order quantity: insights from multiobjective optimization. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(3), 367-396. |
Velázquez Martínez, J.C., Fransoo, J.C., Blanco, E.E. (Edgar) & Valenzuela, K.B. (2016). A new statistical method of assigning vehicles to delivery areas for CO2 emissions reduction. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, 43, 133-144 |
van den Heuvel, F.P., van Donselaar, K.H., de Langen, P.W. & Fransoo, J.C. (2016). Co-location synergies. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 107(3), 331-346 |
A decision support system tool for the transportation by barge of import containers : a case study. Decision Support Systems, vol. 79, 2015, pp. 33-45 (with S. Fazi and T. Van Woensel). |
How logistics performance of freight operators is affected by urban freight distribution. Transport Policy, vol. 44, 2015, pp.37-47 (with J.G. Vidal Vieira). |
Freight distribution in megacities: Perspectives of Shippers, Logistics Service Providers and Carriers, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 46, 2015, pp.46-54 (with J.G. Vidal Vieira and Carla D. Carvalho) |
Cost, carbon emissions and modal shift in intermodal network design decisions, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 164, 2015, pp. 388–399 (with Y. Bouchery). |
The Price of Reverse Factoring: Financing Rates vs. Payment Delays, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 242, no. 3, 2015, pp. 842-853 (with K. van der Vliet and M.J. Reindorp). |
Destocking, the Bullwhip Effect, and the Credit Crisis: Empirical Modeling of Supply Chain Dynamics, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 160, 2015, pp. 34-46 (with M. Udenio and R. Peels). |
Optimal Inventory Management with Supply Backordering, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 159, 2015, pp. 254-264 (with M. Jaksic) |
Switching Transport Modes to Meet Voluntary Carbon Emission Targets, Transportation Science, vol. 48, no. 4, 2014, pp 592-608 (with. K. Hoen, T. Tan, and G.J. van Houtum). |
Proximity matters: Synergies through Co-location of Logistics Establishments, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, vol. 17, no. 5, 2014, pp 377-395 (with F.P. van den Heuvel, K.H. van Donselaar, and P.W. de Langen). |
The impact of carbon footprinting aggregation on realizing emission reduction targets, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 26, no. 1-2, 2014, pp 196-220 (with J.C. Velazquez Martinez, E.E. Blanco, and J. Mora Vargas). |
Identification of Employment Concentration and Specialization Areas, European Planning Studies, vol. 22, no. 1, 2014, pp 204-226 (with F.P. van den Heuvel, P.W. de Langen, and K.H. van Donselaar). |
Effect of carbon emission regulations on transport mode selection under stochastic demand, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 26, no. 1-2, 2014, pp 170-195 (with K.M.R. Hoen, T. Tan, and G.J. van Houtum). |
Relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in US counties, Transportation Research A, vol. 59, 2014, pp. 91-105 (with F.P. van den Heuvel, L. Rivera, K.H. van Donselaar, A. de Jong, Y. Sheffi, and P.W. de Langen). |
Regional logistics land allocation policies: Stimulating spatial concentration of logistics firms, Transport Policy, vol. 30, 2013, pp 275-282 (with F.P. van den Heuvel, K.H. van Donselaar, and P.W. de Langen). |
Relationship learning as a dimension of relationship quality: tentative evidence from transnational buyer-supplier relationships, Trziste/Market; Review for marketing theory and practice, vol. 25, no. 1, 2013, pp 37-50 (with M. Raskovic, M. Makovec Brencic, and A. Ferligoj). |
The critical role of ocean container transport in global supply chain performance. Production and Operations Management, vol. 22, no. 2, 2013, pp. 253–268 (with C.-Y. Lee). |
Sourcing strategies in supply risk management: an approximate dynamic programming approach, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 40, no. 5, 2013, pp. 1371–1382 (with J. Fang, L. Zhao, and T. van Woensel). |
Spatial concentration and location dynamics in logistics: the case of a Dutch province, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 28, 2013, pp. 39–482 (with F. van den Heuvel, K.H. van Donselaar, and P.W. de Langen). |
Lead time anticipation in Supply Chain Operations Planning. OR Spectrum, vol. 35, no. 1, 2013, pp. 251-290 (with M.M. Jansen and T.G. de Kok). |
A model of buyer-supplier relationships in a transnational company: the role of the business network context, Economic and Business Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2012, pp. 99-119 (with M. Raskovic, M. Makovec Brencic, and B. Mörec). |
Modelling dynamics in decision support systems. Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 31, no. 9, 2012, pp. 927-941 (with R. Riedel and V.C.S. Wiers). |
Supply management of high-value components with a credit constraint. FSM Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, 2012, 100-118 (with L.Zhao and F.R. Langendoen). |
Simultaneous Optimization of Planning and Scheduling in an Oil Refinery. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol. 29, 2011, pp. 925-929 (with E. Zondervan, T.P.J. van Boekel, and A.B. de Haan). |
Lehman Wave shakes the chemical industry. Chimica Oggi- Chemistry Today, vol. 29, no. 1, 2011, pp. 25-27 (with R. Peels, M. Udenio, and S. Griffioen). Reprinted as one of the ten most downloaded papers in 2011 in vol. 30, no. 2, 2012, pp. 32-34. |
Inventory management with advance capacity information. Naval Research Logistics, vol. 58, no. 4, 2011, pp. 355-369 (with M. Jaksic, T. Tan, A.G. de Kok, and B. Rusjan). |
Capacity flexibility allocation in an outsourced supply chain with reservation. International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 129, no. 1, 2011, pp. 111-118 (with Y. Boulaksil and M. Grunow). |
Implications of outsourcing on operations plannning: findings from the pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 30, no. 10, 2010, pp. 1059-1079 (with Y. Boulaksil). |
Teaching Retail Operations in Business and Engineering Schools, INFORMS Tranactions on Education, vol. 11, no. 1, 2010, pp. 29-34 (with T. van Woensel and M. Fisher). |
Ordering Behavior in Retail Stores and Implications for Automated Ordering, Management Science, vol. 56, 2010, no.5, pp. 766-784 (with Karel van Donselaar, Vishal Gaur, Tom van Woensel, and Rob Broekmeulen). |
An empirical study on reducing planning instability in hierarchical planning systems, Production Planning & Control, vol. 21, 2010 no. 4, pp. 413-426 (with P.G. Moscoso and D. Fischer). Nominated for 2010 PP&C Best Paper Award. |
SKU demand forecasting in the presence of promotions, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, no. 10, 2009, pp. 12340-12348 (with O. Gur Ali, S. Sayin, and T. Van Woensel). |
Drivers of close supply chain collaboration: one size fits all?, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 29, no. 7, 2009, pp. 720-739 (with S. de Leeuw). |
Order release strategies to control outsourced operations in a supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 119, no. 1, 2009, pp. 149-160 (with Y. Boulaksil). |
Logistics drivers for shelf stacking in grocery retail stores: Potential for efficiency improvement, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 121, no. 2, 2009, pp. 620-632 (with S. van Zelst, T. van Woensel, K.H. van Donselaar, and R.A.C.M Broekmeulen).
Modelling Handling Operations in Grocery Retail Stores: an empirical analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 60, no. 2, 2009, pp. 200-214 (with A. Curseu, T. van Woensel, R. Broekmeulen, and K. van Donselaar).
An explicit analysis of the lead time syndrome: Stability condition and performance evaluation, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 47, No. 9, 2009, pp. 2507-2529 (with B. Selcuk, I. Adan, and A.G. de Kok). |
Setting safety stocks in multi-stage inventory systems under rolling horizon mathematical programming models, OR Spektrum, vol. 31, no. 1, 2009, pp. 121-140 (with Y. Boulaksil and E.N.G. van Halm).
An empirical investigation of the neglect of MRP information by production planners, Production Planning & Control, vol.19, no. 8, 2008, pp. 781 — 787 (with V.C.S. Wiers).
Cooperation between multiple newsvendors with warehouses, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, vol. 10, no. 2, 2008, pp. 311-324 (with U. Ozen, M. Slikker, and H. Norde).
Work-in-Process Clearing for Supply Chain Operations Planning, IIE Transactions, IIE Transactions, vol. 40, no. 3, 2008, pp. 206-220 (with B. Selcuk and A.G. de Kok).
Consumer responses to shelf-out-of-stocks of perishable products (with T. van Woensel, K.H. van Donselaar and R.A.C.M. Broekmeulen), International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, vol. 39, no. 9, 2007, pp. 704-718.
Action Variety of Planners: Cognitive Load and Requisite Variety, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 24, no. 6, 2006, pp. 813-821 (with V.C.S. Wiers).
The effect of updating lead times on the performance of hierarchical planning systems, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 104, no. 2, 2006, pp. 427-440 (with B. Selcuk and A.G. de Kok). |
Inventory control of perishables in supermarkets, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 104, no. 2, 2006, pp. 462-472 (with K. van Donselaar, T. van Woensel and R. Broekmeulen). |
A hybrid policy for order acceptance in batch process industries, OR Spektrum, vol. 28, no. 2, 2006, pp. 199-222 (with C.V. Ivanescu and J.W.M. Bertrand). |
Bootstrapping to solve the limited data problem in production control: an application in batch process industries, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 57, no. 1, 2006, pp. 2-9 (with C.V. Ivanescu, J.W.M. Bertrand, and J.P.C. Kleijnen).
Transportation mode selection with positive manufacturing lead time, Transportation Research part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 41, no. 6, 2005, pp. 511-530 (with G.P. Kiesmüller and A.G. de Kok).
Cooperation between multiple newsvendors with transshipments, European Journal of Operational Research, vol.167, no. 2 , 2005, pp. 370-380 (with M. Slikker and M.J.F. Wouters). |
Modeling the planning process in Advanced Planning Systems, Information and Management, vol. 42, 2004, pp. 75-87 (with A.J. Zoryk-Schalla and A.G. de Kok). |
Makespan estimation and order acceptance in batch process industries when processing times are uncertain, OR Spektrum, vol. 24, no. 4, 2002, pp. 467-495 (with C.V. Ivanescu and J.W.M. Bertrand). |
Operations Management Research Methodologies Using Quantitative Modeling, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 22, no. 2, 2002, pp. 241-264 (with J.W.M. Bertrand). IJOPM 2002 Highly Commended Paper Award. |
Production planning and control of rework in the process industries, Production Planning & Control, vol. 13, no. 1, 2002, pp. 26-34 (with S.D.P. Flapper, K. Inderfurth, and R.A.C.M. Broekmeulen). |
Multi-echelon multi-company inventory planning with limited information exchange, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 52, no. 7, 2001, pp. 830-838 (with M.J.F. Wouters and A.G. de Kok). |
Makespan estimation in batch process industries using aggregate resource and job set characteristics, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 70, no. 2, 2001, pp. 145-161 (with W.H.M. Raaymakers, J.W.M. Bertrand). |
Identification of aggregate resource and job set characteristics for predicting job set makespan in batch process industries, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 68, no. 2, 2000, p. 25-37 (with W.H.M. Raaymakers). |
Using Aggregate Estimation Models for Order Acceptance in a Decentralized Production Control Structure for Batch Chemical Manufacturing, IIE Transactions, vol. 32, no. 10, 2000, pp. 989-998 (with W. H. M. Raaymakers and J. W. M. Bertrand).
Teaching Global Supply Chain Management through global projects with global project teams, Production and Operations Management, vol. 9, no. 1, 2000, pp. 91-104 (with L.R. Kopczak). |
Measuring the bullwhip effect in the supply chain, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, 2000, pp. 78-89.) (with M.J.F. Wouters). |
The Performance of Workload Rules for Order Acceptance in Batch Chemical Manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 11, no. 2, 2000, pp. 217-228 (with W.H.M. Raaymakers and J.W.M. Bertrand). |
An aggregate model for the evaluation of railroad passing constructions, Transportation Research-A, vol. 34, No 1, 2000, pp. 35-49 (with J.W.M. Bertrand). |
A Hierarchical Approach for Capacity Coordination in Multiple Products Single-machine Production Systems with Stationary Stochastic Demands, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 86, no. 1, 1995, pp. 57-72 (with V Sridharan and J.W.M. Bertrand). |
A Typology for Production Control Situations in Process Industries, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 14, no. 12, 1994, pp. 47-57 (with W.G.M.M. Rutten). |
Demand Management and Production Control in Process Industries, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol. 12, no. 7/8, 1992, pp. 187-196. |